Vegetarian Soul - the cookbook that teaches


I have joined Michelle Obama in the war on "Obesity" with a new cook book that teaches. Develop good eating habits with your children at an early age with delicious recipes that they can prepared without you a break too.

The binding of this new designer cookbook, VEGETARIAN SOUL, makes it perpetual so that you can continue to add to it on your own, or as a member of The B-RIGHT HEALTH CLUB. The sale of this book is also a fundraiser for T C Bright
  Productions Ministry. This helps to make it possible for me to teach free classes in the community.

Vegetarian Soul is finally available to you with a teaching DVD for those who  purchase autographed copies by mail. An online store is under construction for the rest of you.

Vegetarian Soul does not teach you how to cook, but what to cook and eat to stay healthy or improve your health.  Childhood obesity is a direct reflection on the parents who make the purchases, "Think About It."  Let's start with the CAUSE then we can eliminate the EFFECT.


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