KING of KINGS UNITY CONCERT Artists for 2015

 . Each of these posters will be posted online with brief descriptions of each artist.

We hope to see you and your family for this weekend of UNITY and fellowship with entertainment, food,fun, giving, and loving. It's a LOVE EXPLOSION in Mobile, Alabama - September 12 6AM for the Walk (41/2 miles round trip) starting at Spanish Plaza Park (401 Government Street) returning to a Health Fair (free health screenings), Job Fair (free phones too), community speakers and fun for the kids with live entertainment from the community. McConnell  Cadillac  have also provided transportation for those of you who are not able to walk. I might just ride for the comfort :>)

 .Thank you WINGS OF LIFE for the stage and sound.

Thank you King David our special sound engineer who performs and produce other artists. You're a "Life Saver' David. We want to see you dance like David too :>)

 .Sunday, September 13th is our finale, The King of Kings Unity Concert - FREE and we feed you too as long as the food lasts, so come early. It starts at 2:00Pm and ends at 6:00pm. No glass bottles or alcohol is allowed in Spanish Plaza Park. It's a FAMILY AFFAIR, so come join us for an " Afternoon Delight "of  inspirational entertainment, worship and praise. You will not leave the same if you listen to learn from the participants who each have their own testimonies.

There will be food, fun, dance, poetry, songs, and spoken words all for your enlightenment and enjoyment. Come to THE LOVE EXPLOSION in Mobile, Alabama - sponsored by Kingdom Covenant Connections (connecting the lost) and T C Bright Productions Ministry (seeking to save the lost by any means necessary).


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